Social Brand University

8 Week “live” Business coaching program



You CAN create big sales from a small audience.


This is a 8 week Program that will provide the following:

☑ 7 Online Group Coaching Calls/Q & A: Weekly Calls Centered Around Business Sales, Branding & Marketing With The Opportunity to Ask Questions

☑ 1 One-On-One Strategy Call that’s aimed to strategize how to grow your brand online. (Time is Money)

☑ Mobile “text” access directly to me to help you get “unstuck” when needed. (Text-a-Friend)

☑ Access to ALL of my business documents, scripts, direct messages, and email funnels. (Stop rebuilding Rome!)

☑Access to THE MILLIONAIRE DOLLAR TOOLKIT: A complete listing of ALL of the app’s and websites that I use daily to scale my business and quit my six-figure career.

☑BONUS OFFER🎉: Business Blueprint…Whether starting from scratch or looking to gain more sales, this blue print will help guide your business to sustained sales and increased growth.

💥💥This program was created to grow your business in REAL LIFE. You will learn strategies for business growth on SOCIAL MEDIA, ONLINE, and Brick Based Locations. And, yes, these same strategies can be applied to growing your business during Covid.

Reserve Your Seat!

Enroll Now

1 Payment of $497.

Enroll Now

2 Payments of $297.

Once your payment is completed, you will receive a detailed email with course information, including launch date and instructions.




Most entrepreneurs start a business, get stuck and never end up generating any revenue…

In fact, some of my clients even reported starting and stopping, business hopping, and straight-up quitting after spinning there wheels for years trying really hard to make their dream work.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to build a business that generates sales in REAL LIFE…where customers are pulling out their credit cards and are READY TO BUY.

Let me show you how to start, build, and nurture your business so that you can begin generating sales.

Are you ready to take the leap of faith and go from overworked and frustrated to a PAID entrepreneur?

Register for this program.


*Disclaimer: Refunds permitted within 24hours of purchase. Lifetime access will be granted for all downloads, documents, video tutorials, and toolkits. Live coaching program limited to 8 weeks.

*60 Day Guarantee: If you join #SocialBrandUniversity, watch all lessons, participate in each of the Q&A calls, complete & document the action steps, then you will grow your Instagram and begin monetizing in 60 days or your money back.